Our Recent Blogs

The growing impact of cybersecurity: safeguarding our digital economy.
Debbie Grace Debbie Grace

The growing impact of cybersecurity: safeguarding our digital economy.

In the digital age, where information is the new currency, cybersecurity has become a paramount concern for everyone. In this blog, we delve into the impacts of cybersecurity breaches on businesses, highlighting the importance of proactive measures to safeguard our digital infrastructure.

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Deductions denied for work-related expenses.
Debbie Grace Debbie Grace

Deductions denied for work-related expenses.

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal ('AAT') recently held that a taxpayer should not be allowed deductions for various work-related expenses, largely because the substantiation requirements had not been satisfied.

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Sale of land subject to GST.
Debbie Grace Debbie Grace

Sale of land subject to GST.

The AAT recently held that the sale of land by a taxpayer was subject to GST, as it was a supply made in the course of an enterprise being carried on by the taxpayer.

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Choosing the right PAYG instalment method.
Debbie Grace Debbie Grace

Choosing the right PAYG instalment method.

The ATO advises that Pay as you go (‘PAYG’) instalments are calculated using either the instalment amount method or the instalment rate method. It recently provided the following two case studies to illustrate the two methods.

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Taxpayers need to get their ‘rental right’.
Debbie Grace Debbie Grace

Taxpayers need to get their ‘rental right’.

The ATO reminds rental property owners to take care when lodging their tax returns this tax time. Taxpayers should make sure all rental income is included, including income from short-term rental arrangements, renting part of a home, and other rental-related income.

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Luxury Car Tax: Determining a vehicle’s principal purpose.
Debbie Grace Debbie Grace

Luxury Car Tax: Determining a vehicle’s principal purpose.

The ATO recently explained how to determine the principal purpose of a car for ‘luxury car tax’ (‘LCT’) purposes (since LCT is not payable on the supply or importation of cars whose principal purpose is the carriage of goods rather than passengers).

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Different meanings of ‘dependant’ for super & tax purposes.
Debbie Grace Debbie Grace

Different meanings of ‘dependant’ for super & tax purposes.

On a person’s death, their superannuation benefits can only be paid directly to one or more ‘dependants’ as defined for superannuation purposes, unless they are paid to the deceased’s legal personal representative to be distributed in accordance with the deceased’s Will.

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Reallocation of excess concessional contributions denied.
Debbie Grace Debbie Grace

Reallocation of excess concessional contributions denied.

The AAT has held that there were no special circumstances in relation to a taxpayer who made excess concessional contributions in a financial year, such that the ATO could allocate some of those contributions to the previous financial year.

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Proportional indexation of transfer balance caps from 1 July 2023.
Debbie Grace Debbie Grace

Proportional indexation of transfer balance caps from 1 July 2023.

The ATO reminds taxpayers that, from 1 July 2023, the general transfer balance cap will be indexed.

Individuals will have a personal transfer balance cap between $1.6 and $1.9 million, based on the highest ever balance of their transfer balance account between 1 July 2017 and 30 June 2023.

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Change to Deductions this Tax Time.
Debbie Grace Debbie Grace

Change to Deductions this Tax Time.

Taxpayers who are small business owners operating from home, or who use a vehicle for business purposes, need to be aware of some changes when claiming deductions this tax time.

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Technology Investment Boost due to end 30 June 2023.
Debbie Grace Debbie Grace

Technology Investment Boost due to end 30 June 2023.

Last year the previous Coalition Government announced a Technology Investment Boost as part of the 2022/23 Federal Budget. The Boost was announced to support eligible small businesses by providing an incentive to invest in their digital capacity.

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