Deductions for Financial Advice Fees
The ATO has provided guidance about when an individual not carrying on an investment business may be entitled to a deduction for fees paid for financial advice.
An individual is entitled to a deduction for fees for financial advice to the extent that the loss or outgoing is incurred in gaining or producing assessable income, unless the loss or outgoing is of a capital, private or domestic nature.
Fees for financial advice an individual incurs may also be deductible to the extent that the advice relates to managing their 'tax affairs' (e.g., fees for advice in relation to salary sacrifice arrangements).
However, fees for financial advice on a proposed investment prior to the acquisition of an asset, or about how to invest additional funds to grow an investment portfolio, will not be deductible.
The individual must also have sufficient evidence of the expenditure to claim the expense as a deduction, such as a properly itemised invoice.
If you have any questions in relation to the matters discussed in this blog, please get in touch with us.