Our Recent Blogs

Technology Investment Boost due to end 30 June 2023.
Debbie Grace Debbie Grace

Technology Investment Boost due to end 30 June 2023.

Last year the previous Coalition Government announced a Technology Investment Boost as part of the 2022/23 Federal Budget. The Boost was announced to support eligible small businesses by providing an incentive to invest in their digital capacity.

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‘Side hustles’ in the ATO’s sights.
Debbie Grace Debbie Grace

‘Side hustles’ in the ATO’s sights.

A recent ATO article highlights the fact that it is increasingly trying to bring more modern techniques of money-making into its tax net. ‘Side hustles’ have really grown over the past few years — everything from the gig economy and drop shippers, to content creators and influencers.

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Input Tax Credits denied due to lodging BASs late.
Debbie Grace Debbie Grace

Input Tax Credits denied due to lodging BASs late.

The operation of the GST Act means that, unless an extension of time to lodge a BAS has been granted prior to the expiry of 4 years after the day on which it was required to be given to the ATO, the entitlement to input tax credits immediately ceases.

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Get on the front foot with business tax debts.
Debbie Grace Debbie Grace

Get on the front foot with business tax debts.

The ATO have advised us that they have resumed their debt collection activities in the small-business sector after a pause last year during lockdown. This means businesses need to really focus on clearing the debt as the ATO pursues harder collection measures.

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Fuel Tax Credit Rate Increase 1 Feb 2022.
Debbie Grace Debbie Grace

Fuel Tax Credit Rate Increase 1 Feb 2022.

Fuel tax credit rates increased on 1 February 2022, so don’t forget to use the new rates when you calculate your claims on your next BAS. Fuel tax credit rates do change regularly. They are indexed twice a year, in February and August, in line with the Consumer Price Index.

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ABN ‘intent to cancel’ program.
Debbie Grace Debbie Grace

ABN ‘intent to cancel’ program.

The ATO is reviewing Australian business numbers ('ABNs') to identify potentially inactive ABNs for cancellation, and it has introduced a new automated process to allow taxpayers (or their tax agents) to confirm if their ABN is still required via a secure voice response system.

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Additional ATO support during Covid-19.
Debbie Grace Debbie Grace

Additional ATO support during Covid-19.

The ATO is providing additional support to taxpayers having difficulty meeting their tax and superannuation guarantee charge obligations for employees because of COVID-19.

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