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Technology Investment Boost due to end 30 June 2023.
Debbie Grace Debbie Grace

Technology Investment Boost due to end 30 June 2023.

Last year the previous Coalition Government announced a Technology Investment Boost as part of the 2022/23 Federal Budget. The Boost was announced to support eligible small businesses by providing an incentive to invest in their digital capacity.

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Fuel tax credit rates have changed.
Debbie Grace Debbie Grace

Fuel tax credit rates have changed.

As announced in the 2022-23 Federal Budget, fuel excise and excise equivalent customs duty (excise) rates for petrol, diesel and all other fuel and petroleum-based products, except aviation fuels, will be halved temporarily for 6 months, from 30 March to 28 September 2022.

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Why you should factor in $3 per litre in fuel.
Debbie Grace Debbie Grace

Why you should factor in $3 per litre in fuel.

Fuel prices, where do we start? Filling your car up is now costing 40-50% more than it did a month ago. For the everyday consumer this may mean an extra $20-$50 a week, but for business it’s a lot more – for not only running your own vehicles and machinery but also price increases from suppliers. It’s not just fuel that will rise – inflation will see prices rise for everything from your daily coffee to your rent.

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Treasurer unveils COVID-19 tests will now be classed a tax deduction.
Debbie Grace Debbie Grace

Treasurer unveils COVID-19 tests will now be classed a tax deduction.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg provided a number of updates and announcements, including confirmation the federal government would look to ensure COVID-19 testing expenses are tax deductible when they are purchased for work-related purposes, giving businesses and individuals clarity and assurance.

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