Government payments and AUSTRAC data-matching programs.

The ATO will acquire government payments data from government entities who administer government programs for 2017/18 to 2022/23 financial years.

The data items include:

  • service provider identification details (names, addresses, phone numbers, email, dates of birth, service type, ABN, ACN); and

  • payment details (service provider ID, name of service, type of service linked to program, value of payments received for the financial year, count and type of claim, withholding and re-credit amount).

The ATO estimates that records relating to approximately 36,000 service providers will be obtained each financial year (including approximately 11,000 individuals each financial year).

The ATO will also acquire transaction report information data from the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (“AUSTRAC”) for the period of 17 June 2021 through to 30 June 2027.  AUSTRAC is the Australian Government agency responsible for "detecting, deterring and disrupting criminal abuse of the financial system to protect the community from serious and organised crime".

The data elements made available to the ATO will depend on what is captured in the reporting process and can include identifying information of customers and institutions facilitating transactions, identifiers such as ABNs, ACNs and Australian Financial Services Licence details, and transaction details (including transaction type, accounts, instruments, amounts and currency).

The ATO estimates that records relating to approximately nine million individuals will be obtained each financial year.

The data will be acquired and matched to ATO data to support the administration and enforcement of tax and superannuation laws, including registration, lodgment, reporting and payment responsibilities.

This is a timely reminder to ensure you are keeping good personal (and business) tax records.

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Beware of scams.


Varying PAYG instalments due to Covid-19.