Reminder: Stapled Super Fund Requests now live.

In our September 29 blog edition, we notified employers of the extra step required in relation to their employee’s superannuation.  Click here to view the original blog.

From November 1, 2021 the ATO’s Stapled Superannuation Fund Request initiative became live.  Which means if you have employed staff since this date and they have not nominated a super fund, you will need to request your employee’s stapled super fund via ATO Online Services.

This change aims to reduce account fees my restricting new super accounts from being opened each time an employee starts a new job.

Completing a new stapled super fund request with the ATO is very simple, however, we have been assisting employers with this request so please get in touch with us if you need assistance.

If you need further information about the contents of this blog or our other editions, please contact us.


Permanent changes to AGMs and electronic communications.


Preparing for the new Director ID regime.